
Hi, my name is Emily and I’m a dishaholic.

I bought this pretty at my favorite junk shop today for $1.00. It is now a soap dish in my powder room. The colors of this dish are so vivid! I just love the rosebuds.


  • jomamma

    I agree with Mimi, we recently had a friend over and she was admiring all the cherished kitchen items from 3-4 generations of our family. She complimented me when she said my kitchen was like a Family Museum.

  • Mimi from French Kitchen

    That is the way to collect and create a home with charm and depth and memories. The odd piece from thrift shop or flea market can be just the thing to tie everything else together. I looked around my living room earlier and saw a motley collection of family things, items my great-grandfather, great aunt, grandmother, father and mother cherished combined with odds and ends and gifts. Really, nothing quite matches. But it all works together.

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