
If I could save time in a bottle….

….I would save Autumn. Today is a perfect Fall day and by the way, I capitalize all the seasons. The sky is cobalt, the air crisp and fresh, the leaves have made a soft blanket on the ground, and it’s almost Thanksgiving, the holiday Grace was made for. Some people feel that Spring is magical (and I understand as I’ve had a few magical Springs) but nothing quite compares to the intensity of Fall. It’s measured time, unlike Spring which slips easily into Summer, its delightful kissing cousin. Fall ends with Winter’s harshness, the cold, the winds, the snow. The blessings of Autumn are obvious, people gather again, turn cozy.
Gather rosebuds while ye may? I gather my rosebuds in Autumn…..

One Comment

  • Mimi from French Kitchen

    I am so conflicted about the seasons! I love them all, in different ways, like a mother with a brood of diverse, rather eccentric children. Fall is the most glorious, certainly: A time of gathering and savoring and counting life's riches. It soars, doesn't it? Deep and rich and satisfying, that's autumn!


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