
Home at Last!

After some grueling afternoon meetings and fighting a virus all day, I pulled into my driveway and heard the voice of Fanny Dashwood saying to my heart, “Oooh, a cottage! How charming. A little cottage is always very snug.” My little place is still snow covered and with my penny candle lit in the front window to welcome me, I was never so grateful to see my front door! Such as it is, I love this place, warts and all. So I trundled in and heated up potato and fennel puree (recipe from Victoria, November ’98), popped chicken in the oven and made myself a dinner tray. Now I am about to sew together a moibus ring/scarf I finished knitting last night. I thought about Anne Frank today and her savior Miep Gies and how Anne made a home in that attic despite fear, cramped quarters and odd roomates. The world is off its axis right now but we do have a safe place to go to every night as we wait for better days…..

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