
At the Beach….

I am at the beach this week. Off from work and trying to cram a year of wishes and desires into one short week. Yet, mostly I am catching up with books under my pink beach umbrella. Here are some of the things I am reading this week:
Jane Eyre – I just completed Charlotte Bronte’s novel for the 6th or 7th time. It never fails to soothe and it teaches me that perserverance can offer rewards. Jane is a heroine for all centuries (more on Jane in another post).
Getting the Pretty Back – I am really enjoying this book by Molly Ringwald. It’s a take it or leave it read as I’m picking and choosing the chapters that offer me something. Molly is all about taking care of oneself – a great lesson for vacation week.
Good Evening Mrs. Craven: The Wartime Stories of Mollie Painter-Downes – This is a Persephone Books feature. I grew up hearing my mother and grandmother’s homefront stories and this book cuts right to the chase. Painter-Downes wrote these short stories for The New Yorker during WWII and they are both poignant and history-rich and almost all from a woman’s perspective. I am really enjoying them after having the book in my possession for over a year.
Is anyone else enjoying beach reading?

One Comment

  • jomamma

    I'm on a deck but not on the deck of a boat at the beach or in the bay like I wish, oh well. I've been reading The Spice Necklace, the second of two books about the true experiences of the author Ann Vanderhoof and her husband Steve as they live aboard and sail their sailboat and eat and drink their way through the Caribbean Islands. It's a great escape when you can't get there in person.

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