
The Caring Hour

Victoria Magazine called the time before bed, The Caring Hour, an evening interlude devoted to beauty routines and rituals – a tranquilizing hour for pampering oneself and doing those little niceties there never is enough time for.  I’ve always had a little regimen of my own which I employ:  I fold down the corner of my bedclothes, turn the lights low, put on a little eye and hand cream, brush my teeth, get into comfortable pretty nightclothes, and find a little snippet of something nice to read before sleep.  All of this creates a personal lullaby – a prelude to slumber with a wish and a prayer that it will be a good one.
When my sister and I lived together as teenagers and then as young working women, Friday nights were sacrosanct for a tradition we called “Beauty Parlor”.  We put egg white masks on our faces, polished our nails, took long baths with scented oils and engaged in all manner of female beautification. We read aloud to each other the question and answer columns in Glamour Magazine where we first learned about foam shaving creams for women, shampoo and conditioner combos, and the superiority of slanted tweezers.  Later, when we lived apart, we kept our ceremonials, just separately.
Now on Friday nights, if I am home and not too exhausted, I will add a few additional beauty tasks, such as deep hair conditioning and foot creams.  I always feel more peaceful and serene after I’ve looked after myself this way.  I consider it money in the bank and the routine is calming and reassuring.  And by the way, reading choices are more soothing if they are easy favorites; a book of poems, a children’s story, or a domestic novel. 
Tonight I called my sister to tell her I had just given myself my first pedicure of the season.  “What are you doing?”, I asked her.  “Just putting on the top coat”, she replied.
What are your nightly beauty routines?
 P.S.  I adore Avon’s sensitive skin, unscented bubble bath which I add my own fragrance to, usually Chanel #5 body wash.  The bubbles are frothy and pure white and #5?  Well, you know…it’s delicious.


  • donna macdonald

    Thank you Fiona! Amy, I love the L'Oreal eye creams. I've used them all. They really keep me hydrated in that area and they are not expensive. I'm a hand cream junkie. Crabtree and Evelyn's work the best but in the summer, I like one with SPF in it. Suggestions with SPF: Boots brand at Target and Rich Girl (but this one is expensive but it smells great and works great). Hope this helps!

  • Fiona

    I've been trying to do my Caring Hour time more often lately. When I get out of the habit I don't sleep as well. Victoria magazine is one of my pre-bed reads sometimes too.

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