
On the Eighth Day of a Feminine Christmas

This lady is bringing Christmas to someone, at least it appears so since a tree is her passenger.  I always have Christmas Eve at home with family and some friends.  Sometimes there is a new addition as there was this year, a new beau of a friend.  He enlivened the conversation and fit right in.  The weather wasn’t fitting in though with its oddly balmy temperatures and it was the topic on and off all night.  I have to admit the fogginess and mild temperatures threatened to steal my spirit but the moon was full this Christmas Eve, a rarity.  We could just see it through the mist.

I may have looked a bit like our tree carrier yesterday, as I drove to my sister’s in my little red car, packed with food and gifts.  There were new guests at her house too, and it really added some seasoning to our day.  I was happy to spend time in her beautiful home with my lovely niece and nephew – two young adults I don’t see nearly enough of.

There was no need for a fire, but Debbie’s mantel was filled with glowing lights and candles.  The roast was delectable, the wine flowed, and as always, we reminisced about those loved ones who live in our Christmas hearts.

In light of my last post on the feminine gifts of the holiday, I thought I would share mine:

~A small basket handbag for summer with leather straps
~An icy-pink cashmere sweater
~Notecards from Orchard House
~A hook for my powder room door made of crystals
~The newest Downton Abbey coffee table book
~A book on practicing yoga at home
~Three sets of earrings!
~French white bakeware

There were other gifts too and one that touched me deeply.  Three weeks ago, I dropped my phone in the toilet at Marshall’s while Christmas shopping and was not able to resurrect it.  My new son-in-law bought me a new one with all the bells and whistles I need along with a plan I no longer have to pay for.  The money I save is spearheaded for my 401K.  Despite some hardships this year (attacking woodpeckers to name one) and some life changes (my daughter getting married and leaving home, ending an old job of 20 years and reinventing myself in a new one), I am truly blessed.

Share your feminine gifts with me if you like.  I’ld like to know!


  • Christine McCann

    My husband gave me a Bulova silver tone watch that has 5 interchangeable bezels–definitely my favorite gift from him. My mother gave me some lovely little dessert plates with johnny-jump-ups painted on them, and a pink crocheted dress that I wore as a baby. I gave myself a Miss Read novel and a gardening book by the great Czech author, Karl Capek. Your Christmas sounds lovely–that basket handbag is a beautiful anticipation of summer to come.

  • cherre henderson

    Hi Donna, Some very nice gifts you received as well as the ones mentioned above. Very thoughtfol ones to boot. I received grey and white fuzzy slippers(comfy!), organic lotions, a very soft plush bunny and my favorite, Chloe perfume and lotion set. 🙂

  • Donna

    You have a wonderful son-in-law! There's no resurrecting a phone after it's taken a dip in the water. Your gifts are marvelous…they fit your feminine Christmas! I had an Aigner basket handbag similar to yours and I regret getting rid of it. You find the nicest vintage photographs and illustrations.

  • Kay

    What lovely gifts!! My favorites came wrapped in pretty red and white Christmas carol paper, decked with crimson ribbon and tiny poinsettia blooms! Taupe gloves beg emmer with matte pewter "nailheads", a scarf made of twinkly beige wool sparkled with teeny multicolored tweedy specks, and a book with some darling illustrations. My gifted daughter gave me 2 rare Arthurian romances, a bracelet of pale pink roses that size of gift soaps, a trio of Bakelite-style bangles in mossy green, and a personalized story as she does annually. So dear to my heart! I loved your recounting of your charming, if no snowy Yuletide!

  • Amy

    Hi Donna,
    Mine included:
    *a sweet vintage (1950s) crocodile Kelly bag
    *gift certificate for a massage
    *several gardening books
    *in an amusing twist, my husband and I (who are moving to the Upper Peninsula) individually bought each other Stormy Kromer hats (official hat of the Yoop)…but mine is pink 🙂

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