
On the Second Day of a Feminine Christmas

Aren’t they darling?  I imagine they are walking home from a candlelit service at church.  Perhaps he, as the Mister, is picking her up and found her waiting under the glowing lamp light, her candle still flickering.

Their nearly touching heads tell me they have secrets and perhaps some promises to keep.  But I imagine them married in the first blush of their joined lives.  And somehow he knows what that candle flame means to her.  And he’s not bothered by it at all.

I do believe there is nothing so beautifying as dining with someone you love at a table lit by candlelight.  It does more good for a face than the best highlighter-du-jour from Sephora’s latest collection.  Glowing candles soften hard edges and reflect light from the very place our souls emanate – the eyes.

Long pretty tapers on the table and white votives scattered about will lend an incandescence to your home too.  Who says houses don’t have souls too?  And candlelight will bathe your house in a radiant light that hides a multitude of sins.  Shine on…

Using candles during the holiday season, to light the walkway on Christmas Eve, to enhance your table’s scrumptious dinner buffet, or to just glow on the mantle above the hearth, reminds us that even in the world’s darkest days, the light will come again.  And I believe our Mr. and Mrs. may already know that…

On Christmas Eve, love is clothed with visible vestments, with gifts and written words, with holly-wreaths and flowers and candles…As I watch the Christmas candles burn, I see in them a symbol of the Great Love which dipped a lustrous spirit into human form that the world in its darkness might be illuminated and made beautiful.

    ~Ceremonials of Common Days by Abbie Graham (1923)


  • Dana L.

    Your writing is magical and so inspiring. It is fascinating to tell a story from an image. I too feel candlelight sets a romantic lovely mood. I try to use it often, although quite honestly I am often concerned about burning down the house!! Yes, I love lining my small front porch with lanterns and welcoming guests inside with the soft glow of a candle on table in the foyer.

  • Karen

    What a darling image!!! I'm with Erina, I think that the sight of her sweet devotion to the church is the final confirmation that she's the gal for him! LOVE this. Did you know that Laura Mercier has "captured" the glow of these moments in their highlighter-de-jour called..yes, "Candlelight"…!

  • Erina

    Very pretty musings on this vintage couple. Maybe they've been caroling together and are now about enter the church for midnight Christmas Eve services. He stops her for a moment just to whisper something loving.

    I know you are a big fan of candlelight, as it often figures in your writing, but may I say, man oh man I hate candles! 🙂 I've never gotten the hang of extinguishing them, find the light creepy, and always feel vulnerable with my waist-length hair. Just me though. Shine on!

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