
Mine is the Sunlight

Our funny hippie bus driver in high school played his radio on our long rides to school.  In the spring, he cranked up “morning” songs for us, such as Cat Steven’s “Morning Has Broken”, “Good Morning Starshine”, from the musical Oliver, and my favorite, “Morning Girl” by the Neon Philharmonic.  There are more “morning” songs than you can imagine – Google them sometime.  For us, it was perfect music for those youthful spring mornings when the air had a fresh earth scent and the sun was just beginning to warm us in our Mom-approved new spring jackets.

How I am longing for sunlit mornings now!  The snow is still flitting about and the temperatures are downright chilly, yet everyone is talking about spring, especially wondering when it will get here.  I am craving the feeling of the sun washing over me, straight down to my bones, unfurling me from all winter’s strictures and constraints.

And on the day I notice that winter has finally scurried away, I will feel a sudden jolt of freedom and that almost unbearable lightness of being, when at last, I walk outside for the first time with nothing more on than my lightweight spring coat.  And on the morning I can finally leave the house bare-armed…well then the warm sun will rest upon my shoulders like a soft pashmina dropped from the sky.  Are you sighing yet?

I have so many thoughts about how the sun will manifest itself in my life.  Having been to Hawaii, last year, I am planning on incorporating sunny ideals into everything I do, food, clothing, makeup, skincare – as soon as it gets here!   Naturally, I am thinking of lighter clothes in bright sun-worshiping colors such as coral, hot pink, and turquoise. And I want to change my lipstick to a gloss in a lush sunburst hue and find a cheek highlighter with subtle flecks of gold with the hope of reflecting the light back onto my winter-weary face.  I may try more lashes, paler nails, gold rings and bracelets.  And a goddess I shall be, when I find that perfect maxi flowing dress to wear in the backyard, when the sun is finally unleashed upon the patio.  There I shall sit with a book in my lap while sun-fueled breezes pick up the hem of my dress and tickle my ankles.

My meals will be sun-driven too, with citrus fruits and fragrant pineapple.  Ices, teas, and fresh water with lemon, will quench my thirst as I visit the local farmer’s stalls for vegetables and tropical-colored flowers to dress my table.  I will eat al fresco with a wide-brimmed sunhat so I can bask safely in the majestic rays I am dreaming about.

I may play some of those old “morning” tunes that seemed so right as our bus rumbled over just- waking-up hills and valleys, celery-green with hovering mists above them.  Back in those optimistic teen days, the sun made everything shimmer with possibilities.  It no longer played hide-and-seek, and like I am doing right now, it made bold outright promises of golden summer days to come.

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the word
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning…
~ Cat Stevens



    I had believed Morning Has Broken to be a Cat Stevens composition until I discovered it in the Anglican Hymnal Now I sing it lustily whenever it's on the menu, while hearing Stevens's arrangement in my head.

  • eleni

    Lovely post,Donna. Snowing yesterday, -2 today, cloudy and rain for the rest of the week. I think I will read your post daily for the next week, just to get in the mood for spring. Will play more music and look out some spring clothes. Thanks for the memories.

  • susie @ persimmon moon cottage

    Thank You, Donna!
    I hadn't thought about those songs in years and I remember listening to them in the morning when I was a teen when my days usually started out fresh and bright. I remembered how I felt as I heard those songs playing on my transistor radio. I can't believe how many years have passed since then and how different I am now, yet still the same, somewhere deep inside. I'm going to go find those songs that I haven't thought about in such a long time, listen to them, and take a little trip back in time. This wintery weather is stretching out forever, and I need some sunshine and brightness.

  • Karen

    Yay!!!! Excellent, Donna! I love how you tied that youthful optimism of the teen years to breaking through (finally) from our winter weary cocoons. As I put on my parka this morning, I thought to myself, it's got to be right around the corner! I'll be gathering up some sun struck lip glasses, tops, sandals, and etc., to welcome the sunshine – as soon as it shows up! Our weather forecast here, according to the people in the know, is an entire week of nothing but cloudy days. And nothing above 40°! But I will be singing the soundtrack of my youth, most notably "here comes the sun!" by the Beatles!! Thanks for this cheerful reminder that winter can't last forever– even if it feels like it is. Beautifully written, as always!

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