
Before the Last Fires…

April is the longest (and cruelest) month especially for one with only 30 days to it.  It’s the cold weather and the lack of greenery in the landscape.   Therefore, I’m still perched by the fireplace even though there have been some bright sunny days.

As I thumb through old magazines (like our reader above), I make mental list of spring tasks.  I sigh because I have so many dreams of pier sitting, lawn chair lollygagging, and beach blanketing.  But before I get there, Spring Cleaning Up must be done.

I like to launder my lace curtains which have a grey cast at the end of winter.  I know only I can see it but still to me, that is reason enough, right?  There are also screens to put up and that’s a job I truly despise.  It was only last year that I discovered my screens actually come in two sizes and now I have to remember where the smaller ones go, upstairs or down?  Once I figure that out, I may actually cut the work to a half hour instead of two and without all the incumbent curse words that go along with it.

Then there is my yard.  Acorns fell in abundance last fall – that 7 year thing – and the ground is still littered, only they are broken and sharp thanks to the squirrels.  Also, some grass didn’t turn green in a few spots and the bricks I placed last year along my flower bed are dislodged like the broken teeth in an alligator’s mouth.  And one more thing – I have a strange weed growing and I can’t identify it.  This wouldn’t be too bad of a hardship if the weed doesn’t seem frightfully impervious.  These things are hard to accomplish on my own but someone’s got to keep up the place.

I noticed a great ad on TV this month of a woman who tackles similar chores for her own house PLUS she gets under the hood of her car, does all the plumbing repairs with a manual, and even small construction jobs.  On her own!  I’m so impressed.  But the ad is for medication.  And I avow that she will probably need it…

Some of the jobs in this place may take a phone call to a professional or I’ll beg, borrow, and steal my wonderful son-in-law in increments.

These are the things that have occupied me as I sat before the last winter fires this month searching out inspiration from vintage magazines.  And I suppose a bit of dreaming has gone on too.  For when this place is spiffed up at last, I’m hoping there will be many carefree summer days ahead to enjoy.

How are your spring tasks coming along?


  • Ann

    Same here…sitting by the fire in the morning with a cuppa tea and making lists. It then gets SO warm and sunny I am inspired to clean the screen porch – wash the screens, vaccun the furniture, get some flowers in pot…can’t wait to sit out there and read. Then bam – the next day it is cold and windy! But better, warmer, and sunnier dreaming days are sure to be ahead! Enjoy !


    You have reminded me MY LACE CURTAINS in my bathroom need to be taken down and washed…….
    I fear they may fall apart!I really need to clean my office………its a BIG TASK and I have been saying that since the beginning of THE PANDEMIC!MAYBE TODAY I WILL pick an area and tackle that……………KEEP AFTER ME ON THIS!THAT MAY help my motivation if you keep ASKING ME if I did it or NOT!

  • Karen K

    There is a lot to do…always. As a young widow , I have have many home “projects” to tackle.
    Thank goodness for the internet. There seems to be a how-to video about anything you could imagine.
    I find it worth a quick look to decide if it’s something I can do, or if not, how long and how involved it sould be.
    Knowing this really helps when getting quotes. There’s a great feeling of accomplishment when I complete a job. I encourage you to try.

    P.S. I have the same screen problem. I use a sharpie on the screen frame to mark the placement. No more guessing! Happy Spring.

  • Margaret Powling

    Oh, that ad for medication made me laugh, Donna!
    But speaking of spring cleaning – of which there is always a lot to do – I think starting slowly helps, just to get into a new less-lethargic-winter rhythm. I will start by sorting a drawer or two. That will gee me up a bit to do other things (maybe!) and even if I fall by the spring-cleaning wayside, at least I’ll have a couple of tidy drawers! But once I start cleaning, I quite enjoy it, especially when we can see a benefit for our actions.
    We have sunshine today, but there is still a very cold wind out there, so I shan’t be in the garden even though I have some plants to put in pots. As long as they’re kept watered, they will survive.
    Now, to crack on … but after I’ve had another pot of coffee!

  • Karen

    Oh how are enjoyed enjoyed reading this! Are you sure you weren’t looking out at my backyard? I have been procrastinating shamelessly over the same types of oddball, one off chores that seem to multiply even as one looks out one’s window. I am however quite pleased at the few spring cleaning successes I’ve had and they have fortified me for the more daunting tasks that I am putting off. Thank you for sharing this little peek at your spring cleaning chore chart, it has encouraged me to attack mine with renewed vigor!!

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