
Spring Highlights

Let’s study our little cutie with her pet frog. This image has always stirred tenderness in my soul…a charming bespectacled child, scarf tied in unruly hair, light spring coat and adorable prideful smile. I wonder if she was allowed to take her reptilian friend indoors…

Spring is slow in its “sprunging” this year. The sun comes and goes but the wind and cold is nearly constant. Still, the blooms have taken hold and they have been extraordinarily lovely. Yesterday I stood under my daughter’s large cherry tree and looked up at the rose-colored blooms from underneath. I had never done that before and was amazed at how small the blossoms actually are. Yet, taken as a whole, they make a fuzzy pink haze which is delightful.

My daughter had a persistent case of pneumonia this spring and my grandchildren and my son-in-law have been ill in turns. This grandmother is tired. But I think we are back on track and so I thought I would tell you about some of the happier highlights including the cherry blossoms.

I reconnected with an old friend and we had a wonderful lunch together. I had forgotten how intelligent and outright funny she is. I made the first move and I’m so glad I did. There was no reason for our disbanding twenty years ago, except that we simply faded from each other’s lives. I look forward to seeing her a lot more very soon.

The depth of my grief over losing my brother, my mother and my fiance has abated a tiny bit. I noticed this one morning when I searched for the sting and it just wasn’t there. It’s still hard. Very hard but I feel more grounded in the present. One thing I have learned is that grief is a faithful friend but it ever-changes and for this new bend in the road, I am grateful.

Ah…perfume, my favorite topic. I visited a pharmacy in Connecticut not long ago and can only describe it as a real “French” pharmacy. The indie brands were immense and I was able to find a gentle yet effective facial scrub. The woman who helped me has worked there for a hundred years or more and knew everything about everything that was on her shelves. I told her I needed a new scent and her manicured figures immediately lighted on Roger & Gallet’s Neroli. What a warm spring fragrance that just envelopes my throat like a soft pashmina. I bought the smallest bottle to keep close by in my purse. It’s singing the praises of spring in so many ways. This kindly shoplady takes orders over the phone. It’s Greenwich Pharmacy in Greenwich, Connecticut and her name is Maria Sileo.

How blessed I feel to have spent so much time with my grandchildren, albeit in a nursing capacity. One afternoon, my grandson asked if he could lay on top of me while he looked at his tablet. And so he did and I was able to reach out and wrap a handknit blanket (made by moi) over us both. How cozy and sweet and I so loved the fact that it was my hands that created that warm cover for us both. I spent that afternoon kissing the top of his head.

So those are some of my spring “frogs”. I’m going tropical next week but when I come back, there will be more posts.



  • Tracy

    My favorite part of the photo is how her little fingers are being gripped by the frog.
    Mutual friends.
    I’m sure if frogs could smile, they would be mirror images.

    My condolences on your loved ones and the heartache that endures.

    Happy that your family is on the mend.
    Not exactly family time you imagined, but a slice of serendipity nonetheless.

    Roger&Gallet, the soap makers also?
    Must look into.

    Happy Sprunging


    I just found an OLD FRIEND of over 50 years!
    SO SORRY ABOUT ALL THOSE PEOPLE PASSING………………it seems now every day there is someone we grew up with or know that has died.It is VERY HARD!I admire you……….keep on KNITTING!

  • Karen

    Reading this was like getting a letter from my best friend–warm, thoughtful, vulnerable, chatty–filled with tender moments and connections, cozy truths, and gentleness. Thanks for sharing your springtime thoughts and oh, that little girl and her dear little frog. (PS The nerd in me remembers that frogs are amphibians, not reptiles, And you can thank my 3rd grade teacher for that fact that has been imbedded in my brain, waiting for its moment in the sun, for about 60 years. At last! Now, brain, maybe you can release that factoid into the wild and let it roam free.)

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