
A Summer Book

Every summer, I pay a visit to one of my favorite books, Beauty from a Country Garden. It’s a slim tome with colorful and captivating illustrations by Catherine Kanner. The text, as well, is by Ms. Kanner.

I first found this book when I moved to this little fishing village from the city. Off the bat, it taught me a new way to look at the seasons in my new country setting. I especially love the page on the kitchen and the story the author tells about a friend’s special kitchen and the lesson of not having the most popular room in the house be so perfectly organized. This was a teaching I soaked up as I never had the funds or resources for a whitewashed glamorous kitchen. As I will tell you in a later post, there is much to appreciate in a plain homely kitchen that works very well, thank you very much.

There are many natural recipes in the book for beauty and health aids. I never made one because the place I live has every contrivance in its completed form that is mentioned in the book. My area has a plethora of farmers markets, fruit stands and herb gardens. In this town, residents think nothing of slapping up a lean-to or opening a bright umbrella to sell whatever is growing in their gardens. I have enjoyed romanticizing this way of life, especially in the summer, with the help of Beauty from a Country Garden. 

I also have access to soap-makers and small artisan shops which produce natural facial oils and tinctures. In summer, my village comes alive with the makers of honey-laced beauty products and refreshing teas. Still, Beauty from a Country Garden revs me up to enjoy all the bounty the seasons offer.

Catherine Kanner has informed me that her book is now out of print (there are a few copies online) and she would love to get it reissued. Her other book, The Book of the Bath, equally charming, is still available and if wanted, you may DM her on Instagram at @catkanner. Please tell her that you were directed there by A Lovely Inconsequence.


  • Tracy

    Thank you for unique and beautiful book recommendations.
    I enjoy aromatic scented bath and home products also.
    At a friend’s house recently, the scent was so lovely that I asked her what it was.
    It was lemongrass.
    Now my house has that scent too and it brings to mind her and her beautiful garden.
    Books, kind friends, nature can all be reminders to tap into our creativity and make our surroundings sweet.

  • Dana

    I’m intrigued and off now to find a copy of this wonderfull book. Looking forward to your future post of the appreciation of a plain homely kitchen! My kitchen, in my very lovely 134 year old home, is super plain with worn Formica countertops and linoleum floor. Yet I love it so and have no interest in a renovation. I think it’s perfect just the way it is!

  • Karen

    What a lovely sounding read! And so perfect for summer. I’ve never been one to concoct my own beauty treatments, fearing I might accidentally use some vile, rash-producing weed instead of the beneficial herb, but the romance of doing so charms me!

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