
A Woman’s Christmas

Magazine’s A Woman’s Christmas is a lovely book that feeds the
feminine soul at Christmas.  With the annual hustle and bustle,
noise and confusion, A Woman’s Christmas is an oasis in a sea of
tinsel.  When the world is too much with me, I retire to my
chair with this simple book of glad tidings.  Victoria knew how
to soothe the Madison Avenue-ravaged womanly soul.
isn’t it true that Christmas is a feminine holiday?  After all
it is the women who plan, purchase, cook, and orchestrate the
Christmas we all enjoy – even those otherworldly childhood ones
that now live just beyond our waking dreams.  Is Christmas a lot
of work for women?  Yes!  But it is worth it.
little book reminds me why I create Christmas for my loved ones and
friends.  It is the holiest of days and the only one the world
really stops for and I want to help make it singular and special.  I
don’t believe in spending a lot of money but I do believe in having
a lot of spirit.  Christmas holds time together like an
ever-expanding pearl necklace;  each year we add
creamy ochre to attach to the last. 
Christmas Eve, I took a private moment and glanced out onto the snow covered backyard.  I saw
my loved ones reflected from behind me crowded together like magpies on my
too small couch.  As I leaned against the
cool glass, the scene changed to my childhood home where
both my grandmothers were exchanging presents, dresses for each other. 
Back further still, I saw my little girl mother climb lovingly
onto her Nonie’s aproned knee to unwrap a new dolly.  If I had
stayed a bit longer, I would have seen Nonie’s mother, and her
mother, and hers…It is women who make Christmas and it always
will be. 
Merry Christmas!  And thank you so much for visiting this year.


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