
Taking Romance

I like Adam Levine. I really do.  He’s handsome, kind and soulful,  and I like his songwriting and music.  Some of it anyway.  But I was shocked to find out that a work acquaintance in her 40’s keeps a picture of Adam Levine on her refrigerator.  And surely you must know the one.  It has the hands of a woman strategically placed on Adam’s naked body.  I cannot figure out why a woman of this age would want an image such as that in an open place.  I suspect it makes her feel cool.

I’ve never been big on being cool.  I am very uncool.  I find a man much more interesting in a button down shirt, rolled up a bit at the cuffs, with a tattoo-free body underneath.  I love a man in a dark suit or tuxedo.  I melt when a man is in a sweater.  A real sweater – wool, cabled, or plain Shetland.  Not a fan of men in sweatshirts especially at dinner.  See?  Decidedly uncool.

Last week my beau took me to a Rogers and Hammerstein review. There was the tuxedoed gent at the grand piano, and all the male singers wore dark suits and ties.  And they looked terrific!  Beards were trimmed, white cuffs were showing, and shoes were dark and polished.  I blush.  I loved it!  It didn’t hurt that the music was stirring and lovely and every one a love song for the ages.  The first tenor up began with Some Enchanted Evening.  Have you really listened to the words?  It drips with romance….”when you hear her call you across a crowded room, then fly to her side and make her your own…”  Isn’t that beautifully put?  I leaned over to my partner, “If this keeps up, I’ll be in tears”.  And to prove my point, another tenor took his place and sang Cinderella’s “Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful?” ….or are you beautiful because I love you?  The answer walked out onto the stage in elegant black chiffon palazzo pants and a delicate shimmering tunic.  Together, they left no doubt with their singing and simple lyrics that they are beautiful because they love one another.  More tears.  “We kiss in a Shadow” from the King and I….behold how my lover loves me, and “I have Dreamed”…. that your arms are lovely….

That’s right…plain old arms.  They’re lovely.  Who needs naked?  Who needs excessive body ink? Who needs a vampy hand on a man’s crotch?  I’ll take romance instead.  And plenty of it.

One Comment

  • Kay

    I comPLETEly agree. There's nothing as attractive to me as a man with his oxford shirt sleeves turned back. Nothing! Sounds like a perfect enchanted evening and you weave such a lovely word picture. Thanks for sharing, Donna! I loved this!

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