
Lessons from Anne

Did you read Anne of Green
Gables as a girl?  Or did you make her acquaintance viewing the
wonderful Sullivan Productions film on PBS in 1985?  I’ve read
all the “Anne” books which were given to me by my
grandfather, a native of Anne’s beloved Nova Scotia. 

Anne’s greatest message is
that she never gave up hope for a better life, for herself and for
others that she cared about.  She learned at a very young age
that life is not always easy and sometimes through no fault of our
own, tragic unforeseen things can turn lives upside down and inside
out.  After Anne’s parents died and she became an orphan, her
future looked as though it would be a bleak existence of servitude. 
But regardless of how it appeared, she found imaginative ways to keep
her spirits up.  She befriended the girl in the glass, she made
up stories to occupy her fine mind, and developed a deep love for
nature that comforted and gave steadiness to her changing life. 
Even the bitter disappointment of having to leave Green Gables could
not keep her from placing Marilla and Matthew’s home in
her memory vault to call upon later.  (Fortunately, Anne’s
winsome attitude convinced Marilla to let her stay!)

Anne’s lessons can be drawn
upon even in today’s unsettled world. And while Anne never
played Pollyanna’s Glad Game, she always imagined a better way. 
If it’s true that intention becomes reality, then perhaps we all have
the goods inside to forge ahead through troubled waters.

My only child will be leaving home in the not too distant future, and I will have the emptiest of nests.  So I plan on looking to Anne for inspiration.  I will keep my eyes on the prize of what I want my future to be, lose myself in the wonderful vista that nature provides by taking walks,
cultivating my garden, and I will find new kindred spirits who have the same internal optimism. 
That’s what Anne would do.  I just know it.  


  • judith

    Very thought provoking post. Gail I'm so sorry for your loss and Emily that's so sweet of you to reach out to her. May you both find comfort in the coming days.

    • Maria (viola33)

      Hi Emily,
      Could you please post your book recommendation here, I think it could be interesting for many of your readers. I suffer from empty nest sindrome, find it very difficult to cope after never in my life living alone. My sleeping, eating and other life patterns fell apart. I am trying to establish new patterns and routines for living alone but if you could recommend some good book on the subject I'll be very grateful.
      PS: I joined your blog only a day before and find it very interesting.
      Have a good day,

  • Gail, northern California

    No comparison but I've just lost my husband (complications following open heart surgery) and find myself barely enduring the emptiest of nests too.

    It would be a tremendous help to me if you posted on occasion various ways you are coping with living alone. I've never had to and even meals are met with a sense of dread because he isn't here to enjoy them with me.

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