
On the Tenth Day of a Feminine Christmas

This woman hasn’t quite finished her shopping yet.  I felt like her yesterday as I finally crossed the last person off my list.  I’m curious, do you buy as much as you used to?  I don’t.  I no longer believe in going overboard at Christmas but I do spend a lot of time thinking about the right gifts for those I love.

I delight whenever I come across a list of Christmas gifts in a novel. Many diarists documented their presents too.  And generally, their accounts were of humble things such as a box of chocolates, a journal, hair combs, etc.  Their tallies remind me it’s not the amount of money you spend or the size of the gift, but the care and consideration that went into its selection.  And not surprisingly, those are the kinds of things I want to find under my tree too.


So many of you have emailed me to ask for my grandmother’s pudding recipe.  Consider it my Christmas gift to you.  And a big thank you for your lovely comments.  I always find the female perspective on Christmas to be a unifying thing.

Chocolate Bread Pudding with Hard Sauce

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

4 oz baking chocolate – preferably semi-sweet
2-1/2 cups whole milk
2 eggs
3/4 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter
1 loaf stale white bread, cubed

Butter well an over-proof casserole
Add bread cubes

Melt chocolate in milk
Add butter – stir and take off burner

Beat eggs until foamy
Add sugar
Add vanilla

Pour chocolate milk over bread cubes
Add sugar, egg mixture
Mix well

Place casserole in shallow pan of water
Bake 50 minutes to 1 hour

Hard Sauce

Mix 1 stick of softened butter with 1-1/2 cups confectionery sugar and a drop of vanilla
Sprinkle nutmeg on top
Refrigerate until hard

Serve pudding individually with dollops of hard sauce


  • Karen

    YAY!!! The recipe, finally!!! I cannot wait to make this for Christmas day at my friends' house. Christmas blessings, dear one, and thank you for sharing your thoughts, hopes, memories, and dreams with us. It's a reliable blessing! Hugs, Karen

  • Dana L.

    Thank you so much for this wonderful Christmas gift. I was eagerly looking forward to this recipe and will make it Christmas Eve. Very much adore your blog and your introspective writing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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