

There is a marvelous scene in the British series House of Eliott where the Eliott sisters, who have been left destitute by their recently-deceased philandering father, tell each other that despite all their new hardships, they will “carve out some kind of existence of pleasure” for themselves.  My good friend Karen and I call these “turnip moments” as when Scarlett O’Hara raises a turnip to the sky in Gone With the Wind and affirms to the gods, the powers that be, and mostly to herself that she will never go hungry again (I’ve touched on this before).  I think the Eliott sisters had their turnip moment in that scene and come high water or hell, they did indeed create good lives with pleasures for themselves.

I never liked the term “bucket list”.  It refers to all the things one wants to do before their time on earth ends or before they “kick the bucket” which is an inelegant term having to do with the slaughtering of animals.  Anyhow, I decided that I prefer writing manifestos or having turnip moments and lately I have made a list of “turnips” I must have more of this coming summer:


Is there ever enough time to read books?  I keep a pile of current reading on the floor beside the loveseat.  I haven’t delved into a single book from here since last year.  There is a short 1950’s teenage novel in paperback, a book about the pearls for poppies exchange in Britain during WWI, a picture book about Monet’s Giverny, and two cookbooks that were Christmas gifts.  All have my name on them and soon.  I know that if I were reading more, I would be blogging more too.  Reading sets the writing muse squarely upon my shoulder.


I love attending the ballet.  My state has three troupes and they are all marvelous.  I plan on seeing one ballet next month and turnip to the sky, will put a few more on my plate before the end of the year.  Ballet led me into a small volunteer job with one of the troupes and this is how I plan to see some of the aforementioned performances.  Ballet brings light and beauty into my world and keeps me from dwelling on the negative.  The costumes, music, and the discipline and determination of the dancers remind me of all the things I care about.


Yes, shopping.  I do most of my shopping online these days but there are several small bungalow shops in my area that I’ve heard so much about and yet, have never visited.  This is the summer that I make time to browse in that bewitching lingerie shop with nightgowns to melt any man’s heart, a fancy little bookshop that sells real old-fashioned stationery for real old-fashioned handwritten billet doux, and a charming kitchenware emporium with crisp hand-painted linen tea towels and new crockery that looks like it came through the ages.


And last, but by no means least at all, my new precious granddaughter.  I never thought anybody could seize my affections more than my lovely daughter but having this petite creature in my life has certainly made me recognize time’s warp-speed acceleration in mid-age.  I feel I must be a presence in her life and plan to spend lots of time with her this summer.  I think there may be a tea party or two, a splash in her new little swimming pool, and lots of lap reading in my near future.  Double turnip!

Please share your summer “turnips”.  I’ld love to hear!

One Comment

  • Karen

    I LOVE this, of course, Donna! So many turnips to enjoy! My latest turnip is a 1959 Hammond Organ I bought myself for Christmas this year. Last night, as I banged out a lively polka, laughing at every twingy wrong note, I reveled in the joy of making music, however inept. Turnip!

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