
On the Eighth Day of a Feminine Christmas

In high school, I had a friend who would put on fresh makeup whenever she was sad.  And I was lucky enough to attend some of these sessions and learned a lot.  She also had a very beautiful face that took to makeup like a fish to water and her application technique was a joy to watch.  Even if she were going nowhere but downstairs to meatloaf with the family, she did a marvelous job and I was enthralled to sit at her feet.

I love our model’s muted-red beaded dress and the shiny hair style with the unique I-took-some-extra-effort hair accessory.  But I really love her shimmering makeup.

Dewy skin goes in and out of fashion but Christmas is the perfect time to get a preemptive glint on your face before you head out the door for your Christmas celebration. I love a little sparkle during the holidays not only because it’s festive but also because it’s youth-defying.

A lot of cosmetics these days have light-catching properties and I especially like that factor in the new concealers.  They blur the skin and remove lines and wrinkles.  But for some pretty shine, there are powder highlighters and creams and iridescent eyeshadows.

Here are some really nice ways to shine-on, even if you are no longer seventeen (and you don’t have to be young to get away with it!):

Slick some shimmery pink lip gloss over your normally sedate lipstick – for bonus glow:  kiss someone under the mistletoe.  Go ahead.

Gleam your legs and arms with a shimmery body lotion.  Also the décolleté.

Try out the new highlighter powders or liquids judiciously – touch them to temples, above and beneath the highest arch of the eyebrow, at the highest point of your cheeks, along nose and as a finishing touch, add a wisp on your cupid’s bow.

Drip the teeniest bit of argan oil into your hands, then smooth them over your freshly curled hair – instant glow for weary lackluster locks.

Watch your favorite classic Christmas movie – one that touches your heart – your eyes will shine with happiness.

Give someone a special gift that they really don’t expect – your heart will glow.

Share a childhood memory with your best friend and ask her to tell you her favorite Christmas memory – you’ll be beaming from ear to ear.

Take a walk in the snow – your cheeks will be rosy with health.

Sit by the fire on Christmas Eve and watch it cast a radiance across the faces you love.

My friend from long-ago may never know she had such a rapt student but she taught me it never hurts to get your glow on.

What are your ways to glow this Christmas?


  • Dana L.

    This post is so inspiring. I never thought about it before but I do find myself paying extra attention to my make-up and hair when I am feeling blue. It certainly does lift my spirits. I also find doing little acts of kindness go along way in getting my glow on. I adore your 12 days of Christmas series- it is so thought provoking and heartwarming. Cheers!!

  • Donna

    Your posts are guaranteed to elicit a big smile. I can remember girls from school who had that special way about doing things, such as your friend with her way of dealing with her sadness. This goes to prove the theorem that looking better makes you feel better. I will have to think about the "glow factor" today. During these cold and sunless winter months we definitely need to glow!

  • Beth M.

    Donna, I love the way you think and write; sometimes I can't believe how much we have in common! Entries like this just make me smile and smile. You are so much fun.

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