
Ten Thousand Joys

So many times I’ve tried to write a blog post only to find I don’t have any words for you, dear readers.  I want so much to tell you about the return of the sunshine which I would weave with memories of springtime from long ago (I did squeak this out in my last post).  I want to tell you about the fulfillment of my long-held dream of at last, having my grandmother’s sterling silver flatware that was always, always meant to be mine. I would tell you about the pleasure of holding a lovely and hefty piece of silver cutlery in your hand and what a spoon smoothed to a patina does to a daily tea ritual.  I want to tell you about the personality test I took at work and how I learned that no one, not even a scientific math-driven exam, will tell me who I am and I would tell you that despite an expensive test, I am still the world’s leading expert on me.  I want to tell you about my new passion for honey in coffee (yes, coffee) and about some new spring beauty products I really like.  I want to tell you about the benediction of the flowering cherry blossoms and why their motif will always herald spring for me and why.  And of course these stories led to other stories, other memories, other views…But alas, I am simply unable to put these thoughts into words right now.

My daughter is nine months pregnant.  I cannot even glance at her without tears welling and threatening to foolishly overflow.  On Easter Sunday, I gifted her the baby book I kept during her first years – the one with my handwritten notes lovingly recorded on every page.  First smile, first step, first word…first kiss on Mommy’s cheek.  Filled with early pictures and mementos, including the grainy and ridiculously vague ultrasound photo that possessed me – my first glimpse of the little babe I would love all the days of my life.  Somehow, it felt right that she should have the book I so earnestly recorded in.  And I hope that when she reads between those gushy, flowery words, she will know that I have stood right where she is.  Yes, it will be hard…arduous, exhausting.

And when, at last it is over, my wish is that she knows what I have known – ten thousand joys.


  • Erina

    Dear Donna,

    How thrilling for you; what a special time this is! We will all be here, patiently waiting for your big news, and of course all those enticing sounding ideas for posts in the future! I greedily would love to hear about every one of them. In the meantime, very best wishes to your daughter and your son-in-law, and to you most of all. I would absolutely have loved to be able to read a baby book written by my Mother; what a gift you had to give your girl!


  • Karen

    Of course you can only dream and think of that darling little one soon to arrive! And does this mean you somehow got your nana's silver?!? Love patiently, K

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