Wintering began early this year…weeks before Christmas. Hibernation started January first and continues.
My chilled shoulders have benefited from sweaters, shawls and scarves. I’m wearing my ugly boots when I go out to the market. It’s too dangerous not to and they make me feel safe on ice and frozen snow.
At home when hiding out, I have a swarm of slippers at the front door to choose from. My very best favorites are underneath the leather chair in the den though. That room has been renamed The Snuggery because it’s the warmest room in the house.
Hot chocolate is my nighttime friend. My brother-in-law taught me his method which is low sugar and very very chocolaty. I look forward to my warm cup every night.
The few times I’ve ventured out, usually to meet a friend, it’s with a soft scarf wrapped around my neck in triplicate. I don’t think of hat-hair and plop a wool cap on my head and finish off with thick cashmere gloves trimmed in fur. The heater of my old car is slow to activate and I’m so glad for these accessories. I just wish I could manage to unlock my car doors with my gloves without flipping the trunk open at the same time.
I’m wearing my creamier lipsticks; no matte’s this winter. I’ve never had such dry lips and skin. Oh and my heating pad…constant friend at night.
In my mind, a proper hibernation takes into account a cold that envelopes you and is never quite dissipated but is hushed by the small things above. Without that chill, how would I know to do the things necessary to look after myself? And I really like not turning up the heat all the time.
The image at the top is by Linda Felcey. Her art is icy and flowery with a promise of spring. Below are some other images I am enjoying this winter. Also, what are you doing during your hibernation? Please share.

Electric throws in every room! Berkshire Home brand from Costco – wonderful!
Ellen Seagren
Staying home as much as possible, cheerful primroses by the front door, feeding the birds and watching them take turns at the feeder (they have very nice manners), oatmeal for breakfast and endless cups of tea. I don’t have problems keeping warm physically but I do work at staying cozy emotionally. I like your idea of “swarms of slippers”. I need to order another pair and have it delivered to my door!
Waves from across the pond in the UK, we don’t seem to have the weather extremes here but this winter it does seem to have been a relentless march of grey, cold days so yes yes to thick coats, hats and gloves plus knee high waterproof boots when I’m at the yard seeing to my horse.
Then it’s straight into my brushed cotton PJ’s after our evening meal, wool socks and a knitted shawl, fleece throws on the sofas and a bed piled high with blankets & an eiderdown ( I personally don’t like duvets ) keeps us warm all night.
I was lucky enough to be gifted a chocolatier for Christmas so just pop in the milk and chocolate flakes then voilà. 70 to 80% cocoa solids and no need for sugar, yum.
Love the snuggery name…and the smart ways to deal with the ever-dropping temperature! I can’t remember a snowier winter than we’ve had and I have fended off hypo-thermia with heavy wooly sweaters, socks with jammies, scarves all day, every day, and fingerless mitts while knitting. I have DuraFlame heaters (disguised as fireplaces and old-time coal stoves) in every room in the house and they are flipped on the second I come into that room, shedding heat and a fake fire that makes it feel even warmer. And yes, like the others here, I put on my warm nightclothes the minute it gets dark and hop into my pre-heated bed (love my electric blanket), nestle against my heating pad and surrender to a good book (currently, that’s Georgette Heyer and Elizabeth Peters). So, aren’t you going to tell us about the hot cocoa trick? You know we want to know! XO
Beth M.
Yes, I’m with Karen, please tell share the hot chocolate recipe! 🙂 I’m in Florida, so the days of cold are few and far between, and I long for them. So cozy to don a scarf, a hat, a coat! But within a week I’m invariably glad when it warms back up. After years in the cold north, those harsh winters are the one thing I don’t miss!
A Lovely Inconsequence
I’ve added the cocoa recipe to the bottom of my latest blog post Beth.
I remember “my very best favorites”!
Wintering means making sure the birds 🐦 have food, the dogs aren’t out too long and then snuggles with them when they’re done sniffing the yard.
Maybe (definitely) nighttime coffee on the weekends. Watching guilty pleasure reality TV while enjoying the warmth of the fleece throws. Getting little sniffs of the laundry soap from them too.
And yes, my most favorite slippers on.
Time for a new pair? Aww maybe just one more run through the wash. The bows are still perfect.
Love this post and the lovely photos. During my hibernation, I am:
1. enjoying different types of tea in a colorful mug each night
2. putting on a lacy nighgown, thick robe, cashmere socks as soon as it gets dark
3. reading by the fireplace after a dinner of creamy soup and crusty homemade bread
4. morning coffee on my balcony wrapped in a warm blanket and watching the wind blow through the bare tree branches
5. feeling refreshed after a long afternoon walk through the neighborhood wearing a big old down parka and wool cap.