
On the Eighth Day of a Feminine Christmas

I’m going to pretend that these fine ladies are good friends despite the slightly secretive look on the face of the woman on the left.  I love the colors in this illustration and the beautiful way the women are dressed for the season.

Christmas is nice when it also includes friends – dear female friends.  I try to remember my closest girlfriends with small gifts and cards.  Most are busy with their own families but when we can, I love to see them during the holidays and if I can’t, I send them good wishes in a Christmas card.

In my hungry years – the seasons when I was consumed by single mothering with very little money – I relied on friends to help.  I couldn’t have done those Christmas times without a friend of two to babysit, invite me over for a cup of cheer, or ask my daughter to tag along on one of their family events.  Without my girlfriends, the holidays would have been very different because at the time, my family was not nearby.

A wise woman once told me that sometimes friends can be better than family because we choose them ourselves.  I’ve had friends and still do that I consider my secret society and I cannot imagine Christmas without hearing from them by letter, text, phone call or one of their thoughtful presents left at my doorstep.


  • John Michael Yodice

    Are boys allowed here? I came upon this illustration and it’s absolutely beautiful – have you any information on it? Year? Illustrator? I’d swear it’s Edwin Georgi and I know it’s an advert for Hockenum (?) Woolens – I just wondered if you had any further information – it’s stunning.

    This looks like a lovely blog – I hope you’re enjoying it!

    Jonathan Yodice


    I THINK PENELOPE IS RIGHT………they were competitive back in the DAY and the younger generation today is too I feel.I guess that changes with AGE!
    BIG HUG,

  • Dana

    I was also a hardworking single mom once upon a time and close girlfriends were my life boat. Now we support and encourage each other as we navigate the empty nest stage. I resonate so much with your writing and want to thank you for sharing your thoughts as it is always a pleasure to read.

  • Janet

    Just a little thank you note for sharing your writing. I should tell you more how much I love reading your blog and appreciate it. You add so much to my life. Have a blessed new year. Janet

  • Karen Noske

    I love that these women are collaborating on decoration! I wonder if they are sisters, perhaps? The gal in yellow is wondering if her big sister will let her put this extra ornament on the tree! 😉
    I only wish we dressed so attractively now. Look at the cheeky tassles on that pink circle skirt–marvelous! This year, especially, the Lord has blessed me with so many sweet reminders of how many lovely girlfriends I have–I’ve been showered with presents big and small, pretty cards, houseplants, flowers, candy, bath items, candles–all the luxurious little things that remind us that someone cares.

  • Christine McCann

    Just want to say thanks for continuing your series. I like how you are spreading it into the twelve days of Christmas. Wishing you a blessed New Year with your family and friends.

  • Penelope Bianchi

    Those women did not like each other at all…..in my opinion….what a perfect example of the intense rivalry between women in the forties and fifties was encouraged and prevalent…..it breaks my heart..
    How lovely you had real friends and those to support and help you as a single parent…..

    Great picture…sad story to me!

    ps I grew up in the fifties….and saw women really not help or nurture each other very often….I sought it out and found it….but it was rare! Much better today! For the most part…wonderful!!!

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