Waiting for Christmas
For many years I have said that my mother was Christmas to me. The wonderful things she did for us during the holiday season, the way she decorated our house with abandon, the…
When a Man Loves a Woman
My favorite painting is the one you see at the right above my profile. It’s called “At Breakfast” and was painted in 1898 by the Danish artist Lauritis Andersen Ring (1854-1933). There are…
And I shall tell this with a sigh…
Once a year in autumn, my thoughts turn back to a small town I once lived in and my life there. It is true, the town was not my heart’s desire and my…
Snow Globe
I learned to knit at my grandmother’s knee. She handed me thick white wooden needles with red tops and began teaching me the knit stitch. Knit’s cousin, the purl stitch, would come much…
Her Style
A slew of new images of my grandmother have come into my possession recently. I haven’t seen these photographs, in dare I say it??? Forty years! Some truths, which I suspected about her…
Let’s amble this Michaelmas…
I arrived at work late today and was forced to park quite far from my building. I haven’t seen much of this section of the parking lot and was struck by how rural…
Labor Day
I can’t let today pass without a few words about Labor Day… Labor Day in America is not just the symbolic end to summer and the last chance to wear white shoes. It…
September my love….
A hurricane is charging toward my area and preparations are certainly being made. What may be lovely, however, is that the heat’s back will at last be broken – it has been an…
This is the first in a periodic series of essays on women I have encountered who have lit a style candle for me…. ~~~~ One fall, I helped my sister pack her belongings…
August Issue
I was lucky in that my father paid for my subscription to Seventeen magazine until I came home from college and had my first job. The first Seventeen I ever read, which signed,…
Powder Up
It has been hot as heck in New England which is unusual. Does anyone remember the opening lines of To Kill a Mockingbird? Grown up Scout recounts the hot as Hades summers in…
A Summer Visit
I visited my first best friend and her mother at the seashore last week. I drove to their summer home, the house where I was a constant guest as a girl and teenager.…